History of Ipswich, Suffolk Ipswich has a proud history and rich heritage as well as being the oldest Anglo Saxon town in England . Granted a royal charter in 1200, Suffolk's county town has been closely linked with the discovery of the New World and with great historical figures such as Charles Dickens and Cardinal Wolsey . Ranked as an emerging global tourist destination by TripAdvisor, being voted the 7th most desirable place to live and work in England by the Royal Mail in 2017. It was also rated the third happiest place to live in the UK. Ipswich was reported to have an estimated population of 137,897 by 2021 if population growth continued it's trend of 0.21%+ from the last official count in 2014 where it was 135,000 . Ipswich is a city of rich culture and tradition with its inhabitants being highly accommodative to people who are not form the area. There are lots of suburbs that make up the city with various populous from differin...